Throughout this report you will see how we are building a sustainable business, from meeting our financial targets and ensuring our reserves replacement well outpaces production, to enhancing heavy oil recovery through a CO2 capture pilot.

Our balanced growth strategy underpins the delivery of predictable outputs, or what I call higher quality returns, while our expansive portfolio of opportunities gives us the flexibility to maintain a balance of near, mid and longer term projects.

Our focus on continuous improvement in safety is equally important. Last year, our critical and serious incident rate decreased, as did our Total Recordable Injury Rate. At Husky we know that good safety is good business.

As a citizen of the community, we have a responsibility to our neighbours. For example, last year we provided assistance to communities in southern Alberta that were hit with a devastating flood and on an ongoing basis we work with a broad base of organizations that help make our communities stronger.

As we progress on this journey, we continue to deliver higher quality returns to our shareholders, while looking for ways to lighten our footprint and find balanced solutions to better protect the environment.

Asim Ghosh
Asim Ghosh

Asim Ghosh